Amiga Format CD 34
Amiga Format CD34 (1998-11-20)(Future Publishing)(GB)[!][Christmas issue].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
110 lines
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
/* Type declarations */
typedef unsigned int Visual_ID;
typedef struct {
int doubleBuffer; /* boolean, TRUE if double buffered */
int stereo; /* boolean, TRUE if stereo */
int rgba; /* boolean, TRUE if rgba, FALSE if color index */
int indexSize; /* if NOT rgba, depth of color index color buffer*/
int redSize; /* if rgba, depth of red color buffer channel */
int greenSize; /* if rgba, depth of green color buffer channel */
int blueSize; /* if rgba, depth of blue color buffer channel */
int alphaSize; /* if rgba, depth of alpha color buffer channel */
int accumRedSize; /* if rgba, depth of red accum buffer channel */
int accumGreenSize; /* if rgba, depth of green accum buffer channel */
int accumBlueSize; /* if rgba, depth of blue accum buffer channel */
int accumAlphaSize; /* if rgba, depth of alpha accum buffer channel */
int depthSize; /* depth of depth buffer (z buffer) */
int stencilSize; /* depth of stencil buffer */
int auxBuffers; /* number of auxiliary buffers */
int level; /* frame buffer level, < 0 implies underlay planes
* == 0 implies main planes
* > 0 implies overlay planes
#if defined(XWINDOWS)
Visual_ID visualId; /* visual ID, X handle to visual descriptor */
int visualClass; /* visual class, TrueColor, PseudoColor, etc. */
#elif defined(WIN32)
int ipfd; /* pixel format ID */
} BufferConfig;
typedef struct {
int month; /* month test was run, in the range [1-12] */
int day; /* day test was run, in the range [1-31] */
int year; /* year test was run, as a four digit number */
char *host; /* what machine this test was run on */
char *hostOperatingSystem; /* what OS this test was run under */
char *hostOperatingSystemVersion; /* what OS version test was run under */
char *hostVendor; /* who manufactured machine test was run on */
char *hostModel; /* model designation of the host */
char *hostCPU; /* CPU in the host */
char *hostCPUCount; /* number of CPU's in host */
int hostMemorySize; /* number of MB of memory installed on test machine */
char *hostPrimaryCacheSize; /* number of KB in primary cache */
char *hostSecondaryCacheSize; /* number of KB in secondary cache */
char *windowSystem; /* name of target window system */
char *driverVersion; /* graphics driver version */
char *glVendor; /* OpenGL vendor name */
char *glVersion; /* OpenGL version */
char *glExtensions; /* OpenGL extension list */
char *glRenderer; /* OpenGL renderer name, e.g. graphics device */
char *glClientVendor; /* OpenGL client vendor */
char *glClientVersion; /* OpenGL client version */
char *glClientExtensions; /* OpenGL client extensions */
char *gluVersion; /* GLU version */
char *gluExtensions; /* GLU extension list */
int directRender; /* boolean, TRUE if direct rendering connection */
BufferConfig bufConfig; /* OpenGL buffer configuration, buffer depths etc. */
int windowWidth; /* width of the window in pixels */
int windowHeight; /* height of the window in pixels */
int screenWidth; /* width of the screen in pixels */
int screenHeight; /* height of the screen in pixels */
#if defined(XWINDOWS)
char *display; /* name of the display, e.g. what node server is on */
char *glServerVendor; /* OpenGL server vendor */
char *glServerVersion; /* OpenGL server version */
char *glServerExtensions; /* OpenGL server extensions */
char *glxVersion; /* GLX version, effective connection version */
char *glxExtensions; /* GLX extensions, effective extension set */
int screenNumber; /* which screen of the X server */
int sharedMemConnection; /* boolean, TRUE if shared memory connection */
} EnvironmentInfo;
/* Function Prototypes */
char *StringSearch(char *subject, char *pattern);
int GetDateTime(int *month, int *day, int *year, int *hour, int *minute);
int GetEnvironment(EnvironmentInfo *info);
void FreeEnvironmentData(EnvironmentInfo *info);
void NullEnvironmentData(EnvironmentInfo *info);
void PrintEnvironment(FILE *stream, EnvironmentInfo *info, char *title,
char *leader, int nameWidth, char *suffix);
#ifdef __cplusplus